Meet Garland.

She’s having a ball!

Get to know our featured service dog

Name: Garland

Nickname: Gar

Breed: Black Labrador retriever

Source:Garland was a shelter dog who came to us as a young puppy from Colorado’s Prison Trained K-9 Companion Program.

Silliest habit: Loves retrieving and will bring you everything she can find and put it in your lap!

Personality: Eager to please, loves treats and tennis balls equally, and is very sensitive.

Best quality: Will do things she is nervous about because she wants to please you; she is very brave!

Second-best quality: Loves to learn and earn treats, so it is super fun training her to do new cues.

Favorite cue: “Give” (especially her ball).

Happiest moment: Playing ball with Matt, who has a spinal-cord injury and uses a wheelchair, during their match meeting at FSD. Garland was so thrilled that Matt wanted to play that she figured out how to drop the ball in his lap so he could keep throwing it for her.

Future outlook: A great life assisting Matt with his daily activities and playing lots of ball.

Quote from Garland: “I am really excited to be with my person and help him out!”

Learn about donating a dog

Contact Erin Conley at for all media inquiries.